Friday, January 4, 2008

Who Fuckin' Knew.

Conan O'Brien, reeling from the writers' strike, is striving harder than ever for fresh material, and his show these past three days has been of higher quality and more consistently funny than ever when he had writers. (Not that I don't support the writers.) But tonight, he unleashed something that I found truly impressive and inspirational: his stunning interpretation of a country-western standard, complete with hillbilly yelps and well-timed acoustic strumming. It's clear that Conan is a highly competent guitarist and singer with a passion for old-time country. I wish I could tell you what song it was, but it was really, honestly very good. YouTube coming as it's available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

speaking of dudes busting out quality old-time country covers, check these recordings of Jim Varney singing/playing country western romance songs at someone's wedding in the 70s before he was famous!